
Attract More Hummingbirds

The ruby-throated hummingbirds are back for the summer.  With a combination of the right plants and feeders you can attract more of these beautiful birds to your yard and garden.  Hummingbirds are attracted to annuals like petunias, fuchsia, salvia and [...]

May 25, 2016|

What’s Up with this Weather?

So we haven't even hit mid-March and all of our snow is just about gone and our daily low temps are more like the highs for a month from now.  These very early spring warm-ups cause a flurry of questions [...]

March 8, 2016|

It’s Bug Season!

Mid to late June usually brings a bunch of folks into the Garden Center with baggies and photos of the damage done by critters or even the critters themselves.  Insects and caterpillars enjoy our plants as much as we do, sometimes [...]

June 17, 2015|

Are you a Garden Journal Keeper?

I can't remember what I did yesterday sometimes, much less remember what I planted where in my garden and how it did!  A garden journal is a fantastic way to keep track of so many of the gardening notes that [...]

May 27, 2015|

Veggies! Getting your Garden Planted

Nothing beats knowing exactly where your food came from and how it was grown - do it yourself.  Growing your own food isn't always more cost effective, but there are other benefits.  For best results, add 1-2" of compost or [...]

May 18, 2015|

Mulch – More than Just Good Looks

Mulch can do a lot for your yard and garden.  Adding mulch to your landscape gives it a finished look, reduces weeds and helps retain moisture in the soil. There are several available options for mulching.  Wood mulch whether plain [...]

May 11, 2015|

Still Time to Winterize Your Garden

It may be cold and snowy already but it isn't too late to protect your trees and shrubs from our long winter.  The two main culprits that do damage beside snow blowers and plows are critters like voles, mice, rabbits and [...]

November 21, 2014|

August In the Garden

Hard to believe that summer is winding down and Labor Day is around the corner.  Hopefully you have been enjoying your gardens, but keep in mind these garden to-dos too. This is the time to replace spent annuals or vegetables.  Seed a [...]

August 25, 2014|