
Indoor Plant Trends

Maybe you think your living room is in need of a makeover or your kitchen needs a pop of color.  Don't pick up your paint brushes and go furniture shopping just yet.  Sometimes all you need is the right indoor [...]

February 11, 2017|

Get Your Violet Blooming

African violets are one of the most beautiful indoor flowering plants and the most frustrating for many indoor gardeners.  Violets have velvety, dark green heart shaped leaves providing the backdrop for clusters of delicate flowers in pinks, white, purple and [...]

January 17, 2017|

Festive Holiday Plants

Need a little help this holiday season? Sargent’s Nursery is ready to help you finish your holiday decorating in style. Poinsettias are bright, cheery and full of flowers that add to the festive feel of the season in your home. [...]

December 7, 2016|

Houseplants – Bring ’em In

If any of your houseplants spend the summer outside it is time to think about bringing them back inside.  It was just 48 degrees one morning at my house this last week so I once again need to find space [...]

September 16, 2016|

Getting the Right Light for Houseplants

Just like planting outside in our yard we have to take a look at the same things when selecting plants for inside our homes. Water, light, and location are all things that will greatly affect the health of your houseplants.  All [...]

February 17, 2016|