
Be on the Lookout for Animal Damage

This is the spring for animal damage.  Seems like the voles and rabbits were busy munching on just about everything over the winter.  The photo above shows some shrubs on Sargent's property with significant damage.  As trees and shrubs start to [...]

April 16, 2016|

Spring Pruning

There is still time to get your spring pruning done.   According to the U of M Extension, late dormant season is the perfect time to prune.  Pruning now leaves fresh cuts exposed for the shortest period as new growth will [...]

March 16, 2016|

Bountiful Blueberries

Blueberries are full of health benefits and the plants are very attractive as a landscape plant as well.  They have pretty white flowers in spring, delicious berries in mid-summer and amazing red fall color.   With a few tips and [...]

July 6, 2015|

Dazzling New Hydrangeas

The last few years has been an explosion of new varieties of hardy hydrangeas especially those for sunny locations.  Won't be long and these beauties will be bursting with color. If you don't have one in your garden you can't [...]

June 25, 2015|

Planting Your Landscape

Here's a few simple tips to ensuring that the trees, shrubs and other plants you take home will grow and thrive for years to come. First, start with right plant in the right place. Many plants have specific needs to grow [...]

May 27, 2015|

Sun, Snow, Rain, Cold – What Can I Plant Now?

We of course are having our typical, unpredictable spring MN weather leaving many of us wondering what we can plant right now?  It is too early for many plants to be outdoors in this roller coaster weather of ours even [...]

April 22, 2015|

When to Fertilize Trees and Shrubs?

Many people are coming in with questions about fertilizing trees and shrubs right now.  Many shrubs are just starting to show signs of leaves or even flowers if you have forsythia or magnolias in your landscape.  Most plants have a big [...]

April 15, 2015|

Still Time to Winterize Your Garden

It may be cold and snowy already but it isn't too late to protect your trees and shrubs from our long winter.  The two main culprits that do damage beside snow blowers and plows are critters like voles, mice, rabbits and [...]

November 21, 2014|

Is it OK to Plant Now?

Is it OK to plant now?  That is the question I get asked the most often this time year.  Fall is a perfect time for planting. Evergreens can be planted through the month of October while trees and shrubs can [...]

October 1, 2014|