
Sneak Peek at Perennials

Perennials may be a bit more expensive than annuals, but if you consider the number a years you can enjoy the plant in the garden the difference is clear.  Since they come back every year perennials make a great addition [...]

March 21, 2018|

Fall Clean-up In the Garden

Cool temps means it is time to get out in the garden!  Fall is a great time to plant new perennials or divide and transplant others already in your garden.  If an area of your garden was missing something or [...]

October 5, 2016|

Crazy About Coneflowers

'Solar Flare' Echinacea I love coneflowers or Echinacea in the garden and have many different varieties. Many are taller, but Sargent's also has several varieties that stay two feet or under. The standard purple coneflower is beautiful for [...]

July 8, 2016|

Why Plant Perennials?

Perennials plants can make a great addition to any landscape and have many advantages.  Annual flowers are beautiful but they only provide one season of color and must be replanted every year.  Perennials can be less work and less costly [...]

July 6, 2016|

Perennials for the Shade Garden

There is so much more for the shade garden than hostas!  Don't get me wrong, I love hostas but I like variety too.  If you have dappled light or morning sun these plants can make great addition to your garden. [...]

June 29, 2016|

Big Perennial Blooms

The best part about perennials in the garden is they come back year after year and they are typically pretty low maintenance.  Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of annual containers and love to add annuals here and there [...]

June 1, 2016|

Let’s Get Planting!

The cold nights are behind us and now it is time to get planting!  Sargent's Nursery is full of beautiful blooming annuals ready for your garden and patio pots.  We have a huge selection of flowing flower baskets, veggies, garden [...]

May 16, 2016|

Leave Some Treats for the Birds

I always leave some of my perennials standing through the winter for  several reasons.  Various stems of taller plants poking up through the snow provide great winter interest along with other ornamental trees and shrubs.  More importantly, leaving plants up [...]

November 3, 2015|
