Sargent’s offers a great guarantee on new trees and shrubs, but removing and replanting is still a hassle. Follow these tips to help your new plants look beautiful next spring. We haven’t had much rain since mid-September and that means that newly planted trees and shrubs need water to help them make it through winter. Make sure to water things you planted earlier this year as well as plants put in last year too. A good, slow soak is best for these plants so the water has a chance to get way down to the base of the root ball of the plant. Run the hose with a slow trickle or fill a five gallon pail with a few holes drilled along the base to let the water soak into the soil instead of run-off.
Lack of adequate moisture in the soil increases the plants chance of suffering damage from the cold this winter. This is especially important for evergreens. The fall has been fairly dry so most evergreens, even if you didn’t plant them this year, could also use a thorough watering. Keeping them well watered until the ground freezes goes a long way to prevent winter burn and dieback. Keep your trees & shrubs healthy!