Now that winter is actually here with inches of snow on the ground and colder temps we have to be on the watch for those cute but potentially destructive rabbits, deer and mice. Just yesterday I noticed the rabbits were making a snack of the dwarf burning bush located just off my front porch. The problem was easily solved with a piece of hardware screen and a few twisty ties, but I will have to make adjustments as future snowfalls give the rabbits a higher platform to stand on.
Tree guards and hardware screen go a long way in providing protection to shrubs and young trees from voles and rabbits. Deer are a bit more challenging. Physical barriers like fencing work best, but hanging repellent packs can be a deterrent as well. These packs work better in colder temperatures when sprays are frozen and granular products get covered by snow. Stop in at Sargent’s and we can help you prevent damage before it gets too bad and affects the health of your plants.