Sargent’s Nursery has a few tips to you keep your flowers blooming and vegetable gardens producing this summer.
- Don’t forget to deadhead flowers to encourage reblooming and prevent seeds from forming. Plus it will help your plants just plain look better too.
- Yes, we still have to weed, but most importantly get them before they go to seed. Weed plants can produce 1000s of seeds so get them before they try to spread. Mulch helps keep weeds down and provides other benefits too.
- Check out plants regularly for insects. Some damage may be ok, but you don’t want to lose a crop to insets. Bring in your samples to Sargent’s and we can help you find the best solution to your bug problems.
- Enjoy your flowers inside too! Many flowers make beautiful indoor arrangements plus cutting flowers can encourage reblooming.
- Be sure to pick fruits and vegetables before they get too large or overripe to enjoy the best flavor and texture. Removing fruit as it ripens can help minimize insect pets like picnic beetles and spotted wing drosophila.
Finally, Sargent’s Nursery has a great selection annual and perennial flowers to fill in bare spots or add color where you need it most. Stop in to see our selection and check out our specials at