
Late Blooming Perennials for Zone 4

As the summer starts to dwindle, so do our gardens. But that doesn’t have to be the case for your garden, as late summer is actually a great time for late blooming perennials to shine. There are many great varieties [...]

September 9, 2024|

Beginner Perennial Gardening

There is no better way to spend a nice summer day than taking a moment to enjoy the beauty all around us. Flowers are blooming and bees are buzzing. It’s a great time to visit a local botanical garden, [...]

June 25, 2024|

How to Plant Grass Seed

If you're looking to learn how to plant grass seed, we've got some tips for you from our supplier Twin Cities Seed! We also wanted to let you know that we stock many types of premium grass seed from [...]

April 3, 2024|

Plant Zone Changes

Changes in the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map for Minnesota and Wisconsin Did you hear? The USDA updated its Plant Hardiness Zone Map for the first time in more than 10 years! The 2023 map shows that half of [...]

March 4, 2024|

How to Plant Fall Bulbs for Spring Flowers

It may seem counter-intuitive to plant something in the Autumn that won't bloom for you until spring, but late September and into October is the really the best time for Zone 4b residents to plant many bulbs so they [...]

September 12, 2023|