Great Gardens


Join our team of expert landscapers and horticulturists as we explore exciting new gardening trends, uncover tips and tricks for beautiful yards, learn how to help pollinators in our community, and discover what’s happening at the Garden Center! These helpful, easy-to-read articles are great way to get inspired for your own garden and yard and include detailed information on how to maintain plants, help the environment, and keep up with what’s happening here at Sargent’s. Visit whenever you’d like or sign up to get notified when new articles come out!

2024 Quilt Show- Plum Creek Quilters – Red Wing

Sargent's Nursery is proud host of the 2024 Quilt Show Presented by Plum Creek Quilters. Join us in the tropical warmth of our greenhouse as you experience a spectacular showcase of quilting expertise and talent. [...]

December 18, 2023|

Cold weather Yard and Garden Prep

Protecting Houseplants & Annuals Widespread frost is likely for the next few nights, as temperatures fall into the 30s in Red Wing, so that means it's time to get serious about cold weather prep! If you happen to have any houseplants [...]

October 7, 2023|

How to Plant Fall Bulbs for Spring Flowers

It may seem counter-intuitive to plant something in the Autumn that won't bloom for you until spring, but late September and into October is the really the best time for Zone 4b residents to plant many bulbs so they [...]

September 12, 2023|

Garlic | How to plant garlic in the fall.

Looking to learn more about growing garlic? If you're new to the idea of overwintering garlic--planting garlic in the fall to give it a headstart on next spring's growing season--or if you're new to growing garlic in general, watch [...]

September 8, 2023|


How can we help?

We encourage you to visit the garden center to explore our full offerings and connect with our team of experts. Our team is on hand to help with any questions you have, and can help you with memorials, deliveries, special orders, and tree planting and more…

Sargents Nursery