
Dealing with Drought

Minnesota's Drought Warning As Minnesota continues to experience drought conditions--with 75% of the state experiencing severe drought and 22 % of the state experiencing extreme drought*--our lawns, gardens, trees, and crops continue to suffer. Many communities, like nearby Hastings, have [...]

July 30, 2021|

Pocket Gardens for Pollinators

Pocket Gardens Planting ‘pocket gardens’ is another way you can help pollinators in your own yard! A pocket garden is a smaller space filled with flowering plants, trees, and shrubs that pollinators love! Sargent’s has almost everything you need to design [...]

June 4, 2021|

Peonies and Ants…What’s going on there?

It's hard to think of peony blossoms without also thinking about ants... When we get up close in the garden or cut flowers to bring indoors to display, that's often what we see or find... loads of ants! It's often [...]

May 25, 2021|

Bees, Butterflies, Hummingbirds and More!

What are Pollinators and Why do We Need Them? Just what ARE Pollinator Species, you may ask? In this post, we are primarily talking about bees--of which there is a massive variety--but pollinators also include butterflies, flies, other insects, and hummingbirds. [...]

May 20, 2021|

Feed the Birds!

Today is National Feed the Birds Day! There are many surprising benefits to feeding birds aside from the sheer beauty of inviting them to your yard and the enjoyment of their colors and songs...insect control, flower pollination, weed management, [...]

February 3, 2021|

Marimo Moss Balls

*****NOTE***** We wanted to let our customers know that the vendor who supplies our Marimo Moss balls has made a statement that all Marimo Moss balls sold by them are responsibly collected and put through a rigorous quarantine process to [...]

February 1, 2021|

Planting Bulbs in the Fall

Why Plant Quality, Hardy Bulbs in the Fall? It's hard to think about spring when we are still thoroughly enjoying the beauty of Autumn, but for us Northern gardeners, this is the best time to plant spring-blooming bulbs! Planting bulbs [...]

September 28, 2020|

Top Five Trees for Amazing Fall Color

A Poetic Tribute to Autumn John Keats' 1820 poem ‘To Autumn’ is a romantic ode to the season that gently leads us into winter. The vivid descriptions of nature’s slowing pace, the changing colors, and the brisk temperatures are [...]

September 9, 2020|

Storm Damage and Oak Wilt Prevention

Our area saw a lot of storm damage this past weekend. We haven’t heard of any injuries, so we hope that everyone is okay, but a quick drive around Red Wing after Saturday’s storm proved that most people had at [...]

August 12, 2020|

Edible Small Fruits are the Jewels of Summer

Rewarding Edibles... Growing your own fruit can be a deeply rewarding experience, but it also requires a pretty solid commitment on your part as these plants will require care year after year. Knowing how you will use your fruit is [...]

July 2, 2020|